Sunday, April 6, 2008

What is Spiritual Theology?

I believe this is a great question. I remember having numerous conversations with seminary classmates about theology, spirituality, and ministry in the "commons" area at Beeson Divinity School, Samford University. I was always struck by the sometimes abstract way of approaching the Christian life. Many of my friends had their theology set and categorized like a card catalog at the public library, with no practical involvement in the life of a local church. They could quote giants in the realm of theology, but they couldn't love someone who said they had no time for theology between soccer practice, cooking dinner, and bathing the kids. I remember getting so frustrated because some of my fellow classmates failed to see the vital connection between what we believe and how we live. The idea of spiritual theology is understanding that the Christian life, how we live out our faith is not a balance of theology and living, but an loosely intertwined ball of yarn that contains our theology(what we think about God) with our everyday lives. Eugene Peterson says it this way, Spiritual theology is a pair of words that hold together what is so often "sawn asunder." It represents the attention that the church community gives to keeping what we think about God(theology) in organic connection with the way we live with God (spirituality). (Christ Plays In Ten Thousand Places p.4)

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