Sunday, April 20, 2008

Hurting Others

Have you ever wondered why you can be so mean and hurtful, almost not yourself to the people you care about the most. I think that the people we are closest to in our lives are the people we let see the real person, sometimes the ugliness of our character and personality. It's at these times that we cause hurt and pain. Because we know these people so well and care about them we let our guard down and they see the real us more than anyone else, when what should really happen is that this person should never be on the receiving end of all the vileness that can spew forth from our heart. Even as you say things you realize the hurt they will cause and wish beyond all shooting stars that you could take them back. I don't know who in your life seems to find the poisonous darts of your heart, but I know that it breaks my heart when the people I love and care about wind up on the sharp end of my tongue.

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