Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Psalm 61

Grateful for RUF and Indelible Grace Music for hymns that serve as inspiration and encouragement for sharing the Word! Big shout out to the great group of students and adults in the college class at FBC Statesboro that listened to a modified version of this sermon a few weeks ago!

Psalm 61 from FBC Statesboro TV on Vimeo.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Rattle and Hum

U2 fans are among the most rabid fans around. There are some who believe they haven't produced a great record since the Joshua Tree, while others have loved everything they have produced since, but not the early stuff. I guess that is partly to be expected from a rock group that has spanned over 3 decades...I am a fan of several different eras in the evolution of U2, but I think I am specifically drawn to Rattle and Hum. R & H was an album that fans and critics have often cited as the worst effort by the band. To me it captures the essence of what they distilled on the Joshua Tree record combined with an homage to American music, particularly rhythm and blues and early rock icons like Dylan and Hendrix. There is something visceral about the album that captures a still young band at a crucial moment in their career. The lyrics are among some of the best by Bono coupled with the gritty, yet reflective nature of the music the band produced in the late 1980s. Listening to it always takes me back to being an early adolescent, excited about one of the first CDs I ever purchased and listening to the magic of the music of U2 and even then recognizing there was something different about this band.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Telling the Story

Richard B. Hays in his pivotal book on Christian Ethics states that the New Testament is not a unified dogmatic system of belief, but rather a collection of documents that tell and retell a common story. He summarizes the story this way...
The God of Israel, the creator of the world, has acted (astoundingly) to rescue a lost and broken world through the death and resurrection of Jesus; the full scope of that rescue is not yet apparent, but God has created a community of witnesses to this good news, the church. While awaiting the grand conclusion of the story, the church, empowered by the Holy Spirit, is called to reenact the loving obedience of Jesus Christ and thus to serve as a sign of God's redemptive purposes for the world.

 I often ask myself how am I doing at obeying Christ and striving to be a part of God's redemptive purposes for the world, which he loved so much he gave up his only Son!

Monday, January 7, 2013

End It Movement!

Part of what our students and 60,000 others did last week at Passion 2013!