Friday, September 14, 2007

A Sermon on Love

This is a title of a poem I wrote for Cyd a few years ago. I'm not sure where I first encountered the idea that her love was a means of grace for me. I'm honestly not sure that is good Baptist theology, perhaps it draws to heavily on my ancestral Catholicism or my inability to pigeon-hole myself in any one theological camp. It took me a while to realize that my theology is as much bound up in how I love my wife and how she loves me as anything else I read or hear. I think that sometimes as Evangelicals we forget that the marriage covenant one of the most powerful metaphors for our relationship with God. I have often found that the touch of Cyd's hand on my arm or the look in her eyes is as much a testament to God's grace in my life as anything else. I don't mean in some generic God's grace permeates everything, but that through her love for the Father and her love for me I am able to grasp more clearly the love God has poured out for me in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

I want to leave you with the first stanza from the poem:
Your touch means more than anything else in the world
I've heard a thousand sermons throughout my short life
None ever offer me as much hope as your dancing eyes
Raise high your banner of love o'er me till it's completely unfurled.


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