Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hearing God's Voice in the Rain

I woke up this morning with a list of several things to do around the house and in the yard...unfortunately the rain started coming down and has continued on and off today. Perhaps that was God's way of telling me to slow down a little bit today and enjoy time with my family and time to catch my breath. I am thankful for those periods of rest, yet I struggle to really enjoy them. Instead my mind keeps reminding me of the long list of tasks that I need to accomplish. The irony is that my list of tasks will never be fully completed because I keep adding things to it. It's kinda like when you own a house, there is always something to fix, do, repair, redo, or otherwise tend to. The discipline, dare I say the spiritual discipline, is learning to rest and enjoy the simple things in life like a hot cup of coffee or a warm conversation when the opportunity arises rather than being so focused on the tasks of life, even though those things are important. So grab a cup, pull up chair, and enjoy...God, life, and others.

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