Friday, July 4, 2008

Out of the Darkness...

I was listening to a song by Dave Matthews the other day on my iPod and one of the lyrics caught my attention. "Out of the darkness comes light..." A simple, truthful statement. A profound statement that reminds us of creation and new creation, two biblical images helpful for understanding God's relationship with his covenant people. God brought light out of the darkness in Genesis 1. He brought Israel out of the bondage of Egypt. He brought the light of Easter morning out of the darkness of Friday's hill. He brought light, a relationship with him out of the darkness of sin. He offers us a pure heart, unstained by the muck and mire of this world. This act of new creation in his treasured creation is an ongoing process as we walk with him and find ourselves in need of his ability to bring light out of our darkness. To bring hope out of tragedy and loss. The gospel is always filled with hope...hope in the savior, hope in the resurrection, and hope that we are loved by one who knows us better than we know ourselves.

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