Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My Girls

One of the hardest things I have to do in life is leave my beautiful wife and girls for a week at a time. I am so thankful that I don't have a job that requires me to be gone from home all the time, but it is enough that it makes me homesick for my girls. I have this thing about being apart from Cyd that makes me not sleep well. It doesn't matter if I am home and she is gone or vice versa, I just don't rest well without her beside me. Granted, I don't really get a big portion of the bed when we do sleep together, but I always rest better when she is beside me. Being on youth choir trips makes me especially miss her. It was on those trips in high school that we became good friends which eventually led to us falling in love. One of my most vivid memories from youth group activities is staying up late talking to Cyd in her hotel room in Chicago on a youth choir trip. No, I wasn't suppose to be in her room, but we weren't doing anything inappropriate. It was that night that I learned things about her that few people know. If I had to guess, it was that night that first began to stir feelings for her in my heart. It was that night that God did some work in my heart, giving me a more compassion that I ever had for another human being. It was that night with all the Deadheads (The Grateful Dead were in town playing at Soldier field, so besides our group, the hotel was full of their fans) making noise in the hallway that the Triune God was working in a small group of teenagers lives from Savannah, Georgia.

Words can't express how much I miss my girls when I am away...the cool thing is that it's like I haven't been gone after I'm home for about 5 minutes. Whenever I am away, I anticipate those first few moments after I walk in the door, the hugs and kisses, the smiles, the tears (sometimes), it makes trips go by faster when I hold onto that hope.

Cyd, Claire, and Charlotte, I miss you and love you!

1 comment:

Allison said...

That was such a sweet post! I remember that night in Chicago..b/c that is when Tammy wanted to start being grunge and listen to Pearl Jam...