Thursday, July 24, 2008

Beach Journal 2

July 9, 2008 6:55 AM

I couldn't go to sleep last night and then I woke up early...I'm sure part of it was not being with Cyd (I never sleep well when we are apart.) Anyway, I decided to get up even though everyone else is fast asleep. As I sit on the balcony the sun is trying to peek through the cloud cover on the horizon. Directly below the sun is a lone shrimp boat withe its nets in the water. The struggling sun reminds me of the struggle we have in our culture of light with darkness, good with evil. The struggle to live each day with one foot in front of the other, embodying faith in Christ. This picturesque scene this morning also provides a glimpse of hope that we have as Christians. So many people in our world are without hope. Life has beat them down, circumstances have damaged them but the gospel holds forth the promise of hope. Hope in God who remains faithful in the midst of our faithlessness. Hope is the breaking dawn on Easter morning as the stone is rolled away to reveal an empty tomb not a lifeless savior. God has never promised us that life would be easy and peaceful and full of 8 hours of sleep a night, but he has promised us that he will be with us throughout all of life. He is as constant as the sun rising every morning and the waves rolling in on the shore. Our hope is not in things and circumstances but in the sovereign Lord and creator who has revealed himself through Jesus Christ and his death and resurrection.

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