Friday, June 27, 2008

The Comfort of an Old Friend

I have written about Bill Mallonee and his music many times before, but I want to take the liberty to do so again. I was first introduced to his music in high school and became a devoted fan in college after driving to Athens and Atlanta to see him in concert. His music has always been a powerful influence in my life. I heard this song the other day while I was working in the yard. The song is really about that first kiss with someone and the awkward excitement that it brings, but this verse speaks volumes to the reality of the gospel in our lives.

Crescent Moon by Bill Mallonee

stumbling when i come
tripping over my dumb tongue
for God's sake don't these
momma's boys ever grow up?
much too easily hurt
life is coming to grips with what you're worth
when God says one thing
but your heart says another

Oh, how I wish that I would remember that the gospel is not about how I feel about myself or view myself, but about how God views us! I talk to people weekly, if not daily who genuinely struggle with realizing the goodness and grace of God in their lives as expressed through Jesus Christ. May each of us be agents of grace to those around us.

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