Friday, August 12, 2011


I know I write about Bill Mallonee and his music a lot...the title of the blog is from one of his songs, but his work as an artist who authentically tries to embody the Christian faith is such a challenge and encouragement to me. One of his songs, Skin, chronicles the relationship of Vincent Van Gogh and his brother, but it also tells of the greater story of the gospel. I have been listening to a version from a V.O.L. concert at Eddie's Attic in Decatur, GA and this line has been stuck in my head for a few weeks.

yeah you're talking about sin and redemption
well you better wear your thickest skin

Isn't that so true? If one stands in the role of prophet in the interior of the heart or the public square and talks about sin, then we need to be prepared to have our lives dissected by the scalpel of the Holy Spirit. No one wants to deal with sin, we just want to dabble in it. We certainly don't want other people dealing with our sin...we must however allow our hearts to be placed under the microscope of God's grace and allow our sin to be dealt with as only he can, through forgiveness, cleansing, and wholeness.

Of course talking about redemption is just as messy as talking about sin. Why? Because people are less apt to offer redemption and strive to be instruments of redemption when sin is made public or when someone's sin touches our lives. It's all well and good if we receive the redemption found in Jesus Christ for our own sin-sick hearts, but quite another thing to dish redemption out to hurting people the way we dish out the gossip about them. Often times, those who unflinchingly offer redemption to any who seek it are criticized as being soft on sin, or not being truly holy (set apart)...after all that's what Jesus was accused of by the religious leaders of his day, so why should we expect anything less?

How do you talk about sin and redemption? Is it pious and judgmental or is it done realizing that grace is the only thing we have to stake our claim to the gospel on?

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