Monday, November 1, 2010

All Saints Day

Dome of the Chapel at Beeson Divinity School, Samford University

Today is All Saint's Day in the liturgical calendar. I am heavily drawn to these few days because of my protestant heritage. I often think, "What would Luther's 95 Theses be today?" Today I have thought long about missing loved ones, the saints of my life who are no longer here to share the joys and the pains of life. The ones who are no longer around to enjoy a meal together, a family celebration, or just a good laugh. We are approaching the first holiday season without Cyd's dad, so I am sure that is adding to my preoccupation with All Saint's Day. I am often reminded of the "great cloud of witnesses that surround us" I picture them cheering us on, praying for us, hoping that we would live our lives in a worthy manner for the kingdom of God. The saints of years gone by and days gone by share with us who are alive, the joy, the hope, and the peace of the resurrection, may we live in the light of the glorious resurrection of our Lord and Savior.

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