Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Lent 2020 Day 8

Scripture Reading
Genesis 12:1-4

The call of Abraham is an important and interesting passage in the Bible. It is interesting because it is the beginning of the Jewish people, a people that God called into a special covenant relationship with himself. Abraham is the father of faith for the Hebrew people of the Bible and the Jewish people of today. A particular man, that for no real apparent reason God chose to show favor to and bless. The blessing of Abraham has often wrongly been interpreted as a material or wealth based blessing. In fact, some popular preachers today teach this false doctrine. 

The true blessing of Abraham is not a great nation in terms of a geo-political structure, it is not great wealth and material gain but it is the realization of a people that God has said to "You will be my people and I will be your God." This began of course with Abraham and his descendants, but it saw its ultimate fulfillment through the coming of Jesus of Nazareth. It is through Jesus' life, death, and resurrection that many were blessed with the opportunity to have a relationship with God. Abraham never lived to see the fulfillment of God's eternal covenant, but God's promise to Abraham laid the foundation for Jews, Gentiles, black, white, rich, poor, male, female, educated, and uneducated to have an eternal relationship with God. God called Abraham to follow him, much like Jesus called the disciples to follow him on an exciting journey of the unknown. Aren't you thankful that Abraham was obedient to God? Today think about how you can be a blessing to people because God has blessed you with his love. Maybe today you need to finally speak to someone you know about the grace of God and how they can know God as Lord and Savior. 

Prayer: Thank you for establishing your covenant with Abraham. Thank you for calling him to journey with you. Thank you that he was obedient to you. Help me to be obedient when you call me to follow you. Help me to be a blessing to someone today so that they might experience your love through me. Amen. 

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