Monday, August 19, 2019

The Importance of a Local Church for College Students

College is a wonderful time of learning, growth, and freedom. There are boundless opportunities to fully become the person that God has created you to be. Let me encourage you to explore new subjects, make new friends, try new food, and take a class or two that has nothing to do with your degree. You may be an athlete, you may be in 15 different student organizations, you may be in Greek life, you may be a transfer student, or even a non-traditional student.

Don't miss out on opportunities to build lasting relationships and opportunities for you to grow in your faith or even begin your faith journey. Get involved in one of the great campus ministries on your campus! BCM, RUF, CCF, CRU, Wesley, UKirk, and whole host of others are staffed with college ministers and interns who want to help you navigate the seas of college. Don't stop there though, visit some area churches, find one that is a good fit for you, even if it is different denominationally or theologically than what you experienced before starting college. Visit several churches before you make that final decision to associate yourself with a local church. Look for a local church that will love you and help pour into your life. Look for a local church that will provide you with opportunities to be around different generations of people. Look for a church that will offer you a place to serve and minister to others rather than simply being a consumer of the worship or Bible study opportunities. Campus ministries are phenomenal but they can't offer you everything a local church can. If you don't know which churches to visit, ask your college minister or campus ministry staffer, they will point you in the right direction.

Get engaged in a campus ministry where you find community and a faithfulness to the Lord. Attend or even join a local church that will provide a broad community of people who love God and long to see the community and the world changed by Jesus!

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