Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Loss of Two Different Influences

Many of the people I interact with on social media have expressed grief and shock over the loss of two individuals within the world of Christian writing in the last few days. In the midst of the grief, people have recounted ways in which these two giants of the Christian faith have shaped and influenced the journey they have been on to follow Jesus. Warren Wiersbe and Rachel Held Evans in many ways could not be more different. I don't know that the two of them every interacted or discussed theology. I'm not sure that either would have known the other. The followers of each would hardly intersect with one another. Wiersbe, once the pastor of Moody Bible Church and a pastor to pastors is best known for his BE commentary series. Rachel Held Evans, was a blogger and author whose social media influence caused her to reach countless numbers of people. Wiersbe was older, having lived a full life. Rachel Held Evans was younger, 37 to be exact. She leaves behind two small children.

I have benefited by the writings of both of these individuals throughout my own spiritual journey and throughout my ministry. Rachel Held Evans would have classified herself as an ex-evangelical, and Warren Wiersbe would have considered himself a staunch evangelical, they both have much to offer the thoughtful believer in Christ. Christianity has lost two needed voices this weekend, my prayer is that God would continue to raise up men and women like them who speak the truth of the gospel in love for the generations still to come.

Wiersbe taught me the importance of engaging the biblical text for oneself. He taught me the necessity of rooting our sermons and Bible studies in the written word of God if we are to properly live our lives for the living word of God, Jesus. Rachel Held Evans helped me see that even when we are burned by the church (if it hasn't happened yet, it will), God's grace is bigger than our hurt or the personalities that perpetrated that hurt. She pushed me to see that scripture tells a grand story in which all our stories find meaning and purpose. These are two voices that have impacted American Christianity in untold ways. These are two voices that I pray God replaces soon.

I could be wrong in making this next statement, but it wouldn't be the first time. The tribe of evangelical Christianity that I identify with could use more people like Rachel Held Evans and Warren Wiersbe. I'll go one step further and say that if the umbrella of evangelicalism isn't large enough to listen to these two prophetic yet different voices then I am not sure how long our tribe will survive. Any author or preacher worth a dime should help us make sense of our faith, while pushing us to explore the nuances of our faith with questions. We would do well to remember that though God has revealed Himself perfectly in His word, the Bible, and through His son, Jesus, we are not perfect people (therefore we will mess things up, get things wrong, and twist things to suit our own agendas and biases rather than God's).

I did not agree with everything that Rachel Held Evans believed or supported. I'm sure the same could be said about Warren Wiersbe. I do know that both of them loved Jesus fought for the faith one and for all delivered to the saints. May we find ourselves willing to do the same.

Join me in praying for their families during this season of loss. May God provide comfort and peace.

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