Monday, March 5, 2012

Meeting My Son for the First Time

This weekend was an amazing adventure as we welcomed our third child, the first (and only) boy into the world. Meeting him for the first time was a joyful, even tearful experience as I saw him extracted from his home for the past 39 weeks and as he uttered his first sounds in this world. Breathtaking, inspiring, humbling, almost indescribable...almost. I am so incredibly excited to get to welcome a boy and slightly scared at the same time. Girls are least I know what to do and what to expect...I'm sure that will change when hormones and puberty come into the picture, but I'm not going to even think about that right now.

He is so stinking awesome. To hold him, to love on him, to see our girls and the rest of the family fall all over him, there is no doubt he will be spoiled rotten by day 10 if not before.

In the midst of the excitement it is possible to forget to thank God for the blessings he bestows, but Cyd and I found our hearts overflowing with thanks and praise, some voiced audibly but most treasured in our hearts like Mary, the mother of our Savior modeled.

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