Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pubs?! Dying?! Church?! Dying?!

I came across two thoughts from very different thinkers on pubs...that's right pubs (as in the English version of your local neighborhood watering hole, bar, etc.).
James Emery White offered some interesting thoughts, penned in the pub he mentions no less.
Walter B. Shurden, Minister at Large, Mercer University included some comments about this article on the death of pubs in The Economist, in his most recent edition of his preaching journal. To the article's comments Shurden added, What a definition of the church:"The preserve of a flower arranging few." God help us! What a definition of a pub: "the beating heart of a community."

Oh, that the church would cease to be the preservative of life and ministry of years gone by and increasingly become a place of community that finds it's center in the Christ event of Good Friday and Easter Sunday!

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