Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Yesterday was our younger daughter's birthday...hard to believe that she is already 3. She has changed so much over the last few months that it seems like she is going to be married with a child of her own next week, but let's not discuss that too much right now. She brings so much joy, happiness, and yes even frustration to our lives as parents. One minute she can be extremely mischievous and the next, sweeter than ice tea. She has a way of always turning on the charm at just the right moment. It's amazing how blessed my life truly is by the three ladies that I share it with each day. They are a constant reminder to me of God's grace and love. They also remind me of the joy of life as a follower of Christ. Imagine...being love by the creator AND having people to share your life with!

Happy Birthday Charley!

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