Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Recent Books

I have read several books recently that I wanted to post about, but just haven't had the time.

Bill Leonard's recent book, The Challenge of Being Baptist is a insightful look at Baptist life of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Leonard is an acknowledged moderate within Baptist life and currently serves as Dean of Wake Forest University Divinity School. Leonard's command of Baptist history gives him insight into how best to articulate the challenge(s) of being Baptist. The subtitle of the book really captures the essence of his writing, "Owning A Scandalous Past And An Uncertain Future." "Being Baptist is messy, controversial, and divisive. Like the gospel" (51).
In writing about hermeneutics(interpretation of scripture) in Baptist life he writes, "Biblical hermeneutics is neither a simple nor primarily academic pursuit. It is a dangerous necessity undertaken implicitly or explicitly by every Baptist congregation and individual. Biblical hermeneutics sent Baptists to jail and to the mission field. Certain hermeneutics also sent them to the slave auctions. Interpreting the text is terribly dangerous then and now" (72).

N.T. Wright has republished a book of sermons entitled, Small Faith, Great God. It is like most of his work that I have read an engaging book, rich with scripture, theology, and good stories...sadly much of what he says is part of a larger thesis or presentation and not usually distilled to a pithy saying or phrase. It was a book I read during and just after having a former student suddenly die, so it was a source of great hope and encouragement for me. It challenged me to look beyond my own circumstances and life and see the sovereign God, the creator of the universe who lovingly cares for me and provides for his people in ways that we can't even begin to comprehend.

Both books are short, insightful reads.

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