Sunday, October 25, 2009


Next Saturday is Halloween. One of my favorite times of the year...I know preachers aren't supposed to like Halloween because it's the devil's holiday. I think that's a lie straight from the devil, really manipulated by the kind of folks who held membership cards for the Moral Majority of the 1980s and 1990s. I used to love dressing up and going around the neighborhood to get candy. I think part of my affection stems from the love that my mother and grandmother have for this festive holiday.

I am obviously not alone in my outrage of Halloween being hijacked by other groups. Here is a post from Internet Monk that gave me a good laugh.


Katelyn said...

I love Halloween too! It actually has more history as a harvest time than anything else. But either way, I certainly know how to enjoy it in context!

Allison said...

heck yeah go Halloween!!!! I hate that people have turned it into a holiday for satan :(