Sunday, December 23, 2007


This week I have talked to some friends (Todd and Renee Chambers) who live in Clanton, Alabama. Todd and Renee are special to my family because they took us in and loved us like their own family for the 3 years we served a church in Clanton. They have a very special place in our hearts. We had been thinking about them a lot the last few weeks, and then I got a call from a mutual friend with news that Todd was having to have a tumor biopsied this week. They don't know the full prognosis yet, but through everything their faith in God to use this situation for His glory has been unwavering. I have attempted to call and talk to them in order to minister to them, but like so many other times in our relationship they have ministered to me even more. I have been reminded of God's faithfulness even when we don't have faith. Thanks are constantly in my thoughts and prayers.

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