Friday, September 16, 2016

Reflections from Romans 4

Ways Justification Changes Us
Adapted from Tim Keller’s Romans 1-7 for You.

  1. No Boasting: (v. 2-3, 20) Our righteousness is credited and received, gives us the chance to practice humility

  1. No Cowering: (v. 6-8) We know we are sinful, and we know our sins are covered. Sins are not counted against us and righteousness is credited, which should produce joy and gratitude.

  1. A Great Identity: (v. 12-17) We are included in the great plan of human history through the faith of Abraham.

  1. Complete Assurance: (v. 16) The promise of inheriting the earth and receiving new life is all grace. It relies on God’s work and ability and not mine. This enables us to live without fear of the future.

  1. Hope when hope is gone: (v. 18) There was no hope for Abraham and Sarah except God’s promises. There is hope for us through Jesus Christ alone.

Spend some time this week reflecting on the way that justification changes us. Which is most precious to you today and why? Which most challenges the way you see yourself and your life and why?

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